Our Extraordinary Team

Our team is comprised of 163 intelligent, generous, hard-working individuals who are committed to making an impact on their community. From the beginning of the pandemic, the care and consideration they have provided has been extraordinary, and they have stepped up to every challenge with tremendous heart and resiliency.

117 Full time staff
10 Contractors
21 Physicians
15 Students

“The day may be tough, but at the end of the day, you know you’re doing something good.” - Tamsin, Finance AP Lead

While many employees shifted to a virtual working space, a core group remained on the ground, in-person the entire year, providing urgent health care treatment and support for our most vulnerable community members, both at CUPS and out in the community including the Assisted Self-Isolation Site.

At CUPS, close to 90 per cent of employees feel they make important contributions that support the CUPS vision of Integrated Care. That passion, dedication and commitment to our community is powerful and we are proud of our team for their unwavering dedication.

“I observe the transformation that I see in families that come to access our services...it’s always amazing and rewarding.” - Mary, Family Development Coach

There is a strength that comes with having such an engaged team of individuals working together for a common goal. In the last year, it was a priority of CUPS leadership to continue to create an environment and culture that supports optimal health, safety, inclusion, connection and space for growth and learning.

Part of that comes with the opportunity to explore and discuss important social issues. A new social justice committee at CUPS is allowing our employees to have dynamic and topical conversations, to be more vocal about perspectives and feel supported and encouraged along the way. Not only does this extra layer of support help our staff, but it also gives them the tools and guidance for supporting clients along the way.

n important part of the work we do at CUPS is fostering the next generation of community leaders.

We've been able to do this in partnership with our friends at RBC through their Future Launch program. Last year, after completing their work term with us, 88% of these students told us their time at CUPS helped set them up for success in their chosen field. This is well ahead of RBC’s program goal of 80% and a testament to our staff who provided valuable opportunities to put theory to practice.

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